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Lauren Steinman



NEWS: The calendar is almost completely booked through AUGUST 2024. Book an appointment online quickly to reserve availability

Appointment Types

Please book your appointments through Doctolib ( green button over here on the right → )

New Patient Appointment

90 Minutes // 300 eur

In this initial visit, together we will explore your health story in depth, and address your main concerns as well as preventative health. We will also order any necessary labs, and go over past lab results and documentation you may bring with you.


I provide a detailed and comprehensive initial treatment plan which includes customized nutrition advice (I spend up to 2 hours after our initial visit researching and working on your plan).

Arvigo Abdominal Massage, Initial 

2 Hours // 200 eur

Initial new patient ARVIGO intake and massage, including self-massage lesson.


Arvigo Therapy is founded on an ancient Maya technique of a non-invasive, external abdominal massage. Arvigo Therapy stimulates circulation and blood flow within the abdominal area, supporting the body for optimal function of digestive and fertile health and wellness. 


Free Discovery Call - 15 Minutes

(I no longer have the availability to provide this.)

In Person Follow-Up

45 Minutes // 150 eur

In person visit for established patients. 

Additional services, such as IVs, are not included in this fee and are calculated seperately.

Virtual Follow-Up

45 Minutes // 150 eur

Zoom or telephone visit for established patients. 

Arvigo Abdominal Massage, Follow Up

1 hour // 150 eur

In these visits we will build on the work of the initial massage and self-care massage lesson. We will tweak our treatment plans as needed and can add other tools like herbal medicine if called for. 

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